Looking for Online Consultation for Depression in Nepal?

What is Depression?

Depression is a very common mental disorder that impacts the mood, thinking and physical actions of  people. The common symptoms include sadness, hopelessness and lack of interest in activities that they used to  enjoy.

World Health Organization (WHO) states that approximately 280 million people worldwide suffer from depression. Women suffer from depression more than men.

Types of Depression 

  1. Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia): Persistent depressive disorder is long term in nature. It is less severe than major depression but can  still impact  on daily life.

  2. Bipolar Disorder: Bipolar disorder is  a condition whereby the patient experiences mood swings from depression to mania and vice versa. The lows are  similar to the usual depression. 

  3.  Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): The type of depression that  is related to changes in season especially during winter season. 

  4.  Postpartum Depression: The type of depression that affects  women after the birth of a child. Signs of postpartum depression include crying,  anger and the doubt that one can take  care of the baby. 

Causes of Depression

Depression  may cause from various factors like:

  1. Biological Factors: Chemical imbalances in the brain, hormonal changes, or genetics.

  2. Psychological Factors: Trauma, chronic stress, or negative thought patterns.

  3. Environmental Factors: Financial issues, loss of a loved one, or social isolation.

  4. Medical Conditions: Chronic illnesses or certain medications can also contribute.

    Online consultation with a doctor via Health Yaad Aayo

Signs and Symptoms of Depression

  1. Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed
  2. Lack of energy
  3. Irritation and frustration
  4. Thought of suicide or harming yourself
  5. Hopelessness, sad and tired
  6. No proper sleep
  7. Difficulty in making decisions, focusing or remembering
  8. Changes in appetite or body weight
  9. Physical issues like aches, stomach troubles, or chronic discomfort

Why Choose Online Consultation for Depression?

Here are some of the benefits why you should choose online consultation for depression:

1. Accessibility

Whether you live in a city or village, online platforms help you connect with qualified doctors. You can choose mental health professionals from a wide range, including specialists who may not be available locally.

2. Convenience

You can book appointments anytime without moving around physically which saves time and energy. Health apps like Health Yaad Aayo offer services like tele-doctor consultations, virtual doctor consultations, and international doctor consultations, making online consultation for depression easily accessible.

3. Privacy 

One of the biggest advantages of online consultation is you can get help easily and privately. You can seek help secretly, without worrying about being judged by others. 

4. Affordability

Online consultations are affordable than traditional in-person therapy.  Many platforms provide affordable services making mental health care available to everyone.  You can also save travel costs and clinic fees.

5. Comfortable Environment

Online consultations provide a home-like environment where you can easily open up and share your problems without fear of judgment. These sessions can feel less intimidating than in-person meetings, helping individuals feel more at ease during therapy.

Health Yaad Aayo: Online Depression Consultation 

Health Yaad Aayo makes mental health support easily available through a range of online consultation services. Here’s how these services are fit for depression consultations:

1. Tele-Doctor Consultations

It allows users to connect with mental health specialists through voice or video calls. This platform is ideal for users who need a quick check-up to understand depression symptoms.

2. Virtual Doctor Consultations

Provide users with access to licensed doctors through voice or video calls. Users can have psychological support without needing to visit a clinic.

3. International Doctor Consultations

Connect users to mental health professionals from around the world, breaking down geographical barriers.


Online consultation for depression provides a flexible, easy, and affordable solution for mental health care. It allows people to manage their mental health without the challenges of traditional therapy, making it a convenient option for many.